Ayoola Adediran Amos, PhD

Pandemic is a natural disaster that often has negative effects on the citizens and their environment.
Corona-virus has claimed many lives in the country, many people have been disserted by their
family members so as not to contract the virus from them. Christian churches were closed down so
as to avoid contraction of the disease by the people. The scourge of the disease has brought about
economic recession to the affected areas. To this extent, the purpose of this work is to uncover
effects of the virus on the Christian religious centers in the South-west of Nigeria. The paper also
examined the solutions proffered to the spread of this scourge in the various Christian religious
centers in the South-west. The work employed was historical method. This became imperative in
other to trace the genesis of this pandemic in Nigeria and the world at large. However, it was
observed that the lock-down brought about new innovationsto the mode of worship in the Christian
religious centers such asthe use of website posting, internet, Radio, Webinar, Face book. Similarly,
it was observed that the spirit of love through giving of gifts to the needy was encouraged during
the period of the lock-down. It was recommended that as a matter of urgency, Government must
make available to all the Local Governments in Nigeria the vaccines that can protect people against
COVID19.There is the need for everybody to observe the rules and regulations guiding the spread
of COVID-19 so as to put lasting solutions to the pandemic.

A general air of panic and apprehension enveloped the country in March 2020 over the scourge of
Covid-19 ravaging the world. While all the Thirty-six State governors banned all Public gatherings,
the National Universities Commission (NUC) ordered all universities shut while other tiers of the
nation’s education system suffered same fate. Also, the Federal Government closed all airports in
the country just as it restricted international flights to only…

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